Stomach Content Data

Stomach Content Data > Inventory of Data

On this page you can filter and download Stomach Content data. Data are also available through web services.
You can see an inventory of the Stomach Content database:

Reporting organisation

Year Country Reporting Organization CruiseID Number of Stomachs
1987 LV 3140 LV3140LAIZ1987 555
2012 LV 3140 LV314067BC2012 231
1987 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1987 2248
1977 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991977 4048
1982 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1982 3303
1971 LV 3140 LV3140LABS1971 97
1976 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991976 20
1986 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1986 504
2009 LV 3140 LV314067BC2009 501
1985 LV 3140 LV3140LAIZ1985 639
1978 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1978 1085
1969 LV 3140 LV3140LABS1969 2174
2007 LV 3140 LV314067BC2007 1025
1972 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991972 369
1979 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991979 630
1969 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1969 2268
1968 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1968 1797
1994 LV 3140 LV314090MF1994 223
1981 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991981 393
1989 LV 3140 LV3140LAIZ1989 753
1970 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1970 3722
1969 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991969 575
1975 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1975 1965
1975 LV 3140 LV3140LA991975 967
1988 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1988 1563
1980 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991980 1309
1990 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1990 1713
1978 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1978 2071
2006 LV 3140 LV314067BC2006 978
2002 LV 3140 LV3140LA992002 492
1981 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1981 1475
1984 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1984 1853
1980 LV 3140 LV3140LABS1980 140
1980 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1980 1644
1970 LV 3140 LV3140LABS1970 1338
1979 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1979 3371
1973 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991973 4511
1983 LV 3140 LV3140ZZ991983 374
1999 LV 3140 LV3140LA991999 703
2012 LV 3140 LV3140LTDA2012 39
1976 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1976 3842
2004 LV 3140 LV3140LA992004 1047
1998 LV 3140 LV3140LA991998 206
1973 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1973 3364
1967 LV 3140 LV3140LABS1967 1002
1971 LV 3140 LV314090MZ1971 3356
1977 LV 3140 LV3140LABZ1977 182
2014 LV 3140 LV314067BC2014 120
1985 NL 1340 NL1340AA311985 3
1985 NL 1340 UNK1340AA311985 1
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